Adding a Work Experience Record

Step 1: From the general edit page, add a Work Experience record.

You will be brought into the Work Experience form page. Note that while many of the fields in a Work Experience record are optional, the more information you provide, the better your Resume will look to Employers. If you do not have Work Experience to add, skip this section.

Step 2: Enter the Position Info.

The Position Info section (optional) allows you to provide basic information about your position. Enter the official name of the company you worked for in the Employer Name field.

  • Enter the Job Title for this position, as it would appear on a contact card. 
  • Finally, enter the dates on which you started and ended this position in the Period of Employment section. If this is your current position, check the “This is my current position” checkbox under the Ending Date field.

Step 3: Set the record as a “Position in an organization” or “Skilled Trade.”

Each toggle opens different fields. Position in an Organization is meant to capture a role typically held in a traditional work environment, whereas Skilled Trades is used to highlight experience in a particular trade. 

Step 4: Select an Industry (Position in an organization only).

Industry refers to the broad role or department of the position, such as Sales, Human Resources, etc. 

Step 5: Select your Job Duties.

Job Duties refers to the specific competencies or trades you demonstrated in the role, such as Accounts Payable, Tax, Billing, Payroll, etc. 

Step 6: Enter your Skills.

The skills section is meant to capture the range of duties you had, as well as the abilities you demonstrated in performing those duties. Should you not find an entry for a skill you would like to include in this record, you can suggest a new entry to be added to the list by clicking on the Click Here to suggest it link. This will open up a pop up containing a free type field where you can enter the item you would like to have added.

Step 7: Enter the Job Details.

The Job Details section contains fields that allow you to provide more information about your position. All of these fields are optional. If you do not wish to disclose any of this information, simply leave the field blank.

  • Job type refers to the general schedule of work you had, such as full time, part time, etc. 

Step 8: Click Save to add this record

Your new Work Experience record will appear under the Work Experience heading. Work Experience records are ordered from most recent to oldest, with Current positions at the top.