Table of Contents
Step 1: From the general edit page, click on “Add Skills and Qualities.”
You will be brought into the edit page for Skills and Qualities. If you had entered skills in a Work experience record, those skills will be displayed under a section titled Work Experience Related Skills. The skills listed here will not be selectable in the next field, called Additional Skills. If you wish to edit any of the entries under the Work Experience Related Skills section, you can do so from the Work Experience record in which you originally added them.
Step 2: Select “Additional Skills.”
The Additional skills field is meant to capture abilities that you have refined of your own volition, and may not have utilized in a work position. For example, if you are skilled in HTML, but did not utilize this skill in any of your jobs, you can record HTML here.
Step 3: Enter Qualities.
Qualities refer to attributes that describe a person’s personality and work ethic. You can either make selections from the list provided, or enter your own terms.
Step 4: Click Save
You’ll be returned to the general edit view.