Imaginative Yellow:
If your primary color is yellow, you tend to be full of enthusiasm and optimistic energy. You often enjoy conversations that are theoretical in nature and engage in abstract thinking and making connections to the wider world. You find it second nature to socialize in large crowds and tend to be outgoing – even when you meet new people!
Key Traits: Sociable, Imaginative, Spontaneous
Down-to-Earth Blue:
If you scored blue as your primary color, you tend to be more evidence-based and organized in nature. You may find that you are introverted in most settings and ensure you take time to respond to before speaking and responding to others when necessary. Similarly, you may find that you are very comfortable when working independently. You are very self-reliant and are able to complete tasks and make decisions without needing others to help you.
Key Traits: Observing, Evidence-Based, Reliable
Empathic Green:
As someone who received a green Spark Portrait, you tend to be very in touch with your emotions and enjoy having deep and meaningful one-to-one conversations with others. Skilled in negotiating, you tend to handle conflict with a high level of diplomacy and tact. Active listening comes second nature to you, which is one of the reasons that makes you a successful leader.
Key Traits: Intimate, Collaborative and Empathetic
Results-Driven Red:
Regarded for your direct communication style, you are not afraid to voice your views and expert opinions when facing conflict. You tend to thrive in competitive environments and are not afraid to take initiative and provide direction to others when working in team environments. By having a dominant personality, you tend to persevere until you reach your desired goals; you do not give up easily! Your strong sense of perseverance and can-do attitude sets you up to succeed, no matter what obstacles are thrown your way.
Key Traits: Purposeful, Competitive, Takes Charge
So, what colour is the best?
It is important to note that all colors are appreciated and can provide value to an organization in their own unique forms. The main benefit of this assessment is for you to understand your strengths, along with opportunities for improvement. By gaining a stronger understanding of yourself, you can find your optimal job environment and opportunity that is best suited for you!