Community Filters allow you to invite only those that are affiliated with specific employment hubs, instead of anyone on Magnet who matches your posting requirements.
By default, Community Filters that corresponds to the landing page you last logged in through will be automatically added to your posting and will be visible at the top of the page. You will also have the option to add other ALiGN Network Communities that you have become affiliated with by signing up or signing into your account through their landing page through the Community Filters drop down menu, located on the top left corner of the screen under preferences.
Note: Organizations are sometimes grouped into affiliation groups. You may see affiliation filters for organizations that you are not affiliated with if you are affiliated with one of the organizations in an affiliation group. For example, if organizations A, B and C are all part of the same affiliation group and you are affiliated with organization A, you will also see filters for organizations B and C.
You must apply these filters prior to activating your posting. Once activated, the option to add filters will no longer be available.